Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva. Adjective clause juga berfungsi untuk memberi keterangan pada nomina. Adjective Clause digunakan untuk memberi keterangan, identitas, dan informasi lain kepada kata benda (Antecedent).
1. Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun
Contoh: The boy who is eating over there is my brother.
This is the scholl that I studied some years ago.
2.Adjective clause dengan relative adverb
Contoh: This is the reason why I loved it.
Jakarta is the place where I was born.
*Adjective clause tersebut menerangkan nomina yang ada di depannya (antecedent).
Adjective clause who is sitting over there menerangkan nomina the boy.
Adjective clause why she did it menerangkan nomina the reason.
Dalam struktur Adjective Clause ditandai dengan Relative Pronoun, yaitu:
1.Who, digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi subjek (human as subject).
2.Whom, digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi objek (human as object).
3.Which, digunakan untuk benda, baik dalam posisi subjek atau objek (non-human as subject/object).
4.That, digunakan sebagai subtitusi who, whom, atau which.
5.Whose, digunakan untuk kepemilikan.
6.When, digunakan untuk waktu.
7.Why, digunakan untuk sebab.
Contoh : My boyfriend is the man who Is singing near the park.
The school where I study is being painted.
Adjective clause dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu:
1. Important (defining) adjective clause : adjective clause yang merupakan informasi penting bagi antecedent.
Contoh : Rida’s brother that (who) works in Bali is a doctor.
Meaning : Rida has more than one brother.
2. Unimportant (undefining) adjective : adjective clause yang merupakan informasi yang tidak penting bagi antecedent .
Contoh : Ben's brother, who works in Jakarta is a police.
Meaning : Ben has only one brother.
*Dalam important adjective clause, relative pronoun, seperti: who, whom, which dapat digantikan dengan that; sedangkan dalam unimportant adjective clause tidak.
Kamis, 31 Maret 2011
1. Aktif : Delya makan buah apel kemarin
Pasif : buah apel dimakan oleh delya kemarin
Rumus umum untuk membentuk suatu kalimat Pasif
Aktif : S + Verb 1 + Objek + dll
Pasif : Objek + to be + Verb 3 + ( by)+(subjek)+ dll
To be yang digunakan
1. Present : is, am, are
2. Past : was, were
3. Perfect : been (di depan have, has, atau had)
4. Future : be (setelah modals)
5. Continuous : being (di depan salah satu dari 7 to be di atas)
Hal-hal yang perlu diketahui dan diingat
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kalimat dalam bentuk pasif, tenses tidak berubah. Tenses harus sama dengan kalau kita menyatakannya dalam bentuk aktif. Yang berubah hanya kata kerja-nya.
2. Kata kerja yang tidak memiliki objek (Kata Kerja Intransitif) tidak dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, seperti, menangis, mendidih, terbit, dll.
Contoh-contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif
1. Bella writes a song (active)
2. A song was wrote by Bella (passive)
Bentuk-bentuk Kalimat Passive
1) Passive Imperative Sentence
Let + objek + be + V3
Eat the fried rice (active)
Let the fried rice be eaten (passive)
2) Passive Infinitive: It is/was time
It is/was time for + objek + to be + V 3
It is time to send the message (active)
It is time for the message to be sent (passive)
3) Negative Passive Imperative Sentence
Subjek + be + V 3 + not to + infinitive
(kata kerja / V3 yang sering digunakan adalah: advised, asked, begged, commanded, requested)
Don’t look at me (active)
You are advised not to look at me (passive)
4) Passive Sentence with Verbs of Perception
Subjek + be + adjectives + when + subjek + be + V3
(kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: taste, smell, feel)
This class feels hot (active)
This class is hot when it is felt (passive)
5) Passive Sentence with Certain Verbs followed by ‘that-clause’
Verb yang digunakan: point out, presume, prove, regret, report, say, think, understand accept, admit, agree, assume, believe,decide, expect, find out, intend, plan.
We said that the doctor had to get out from hospital (active)
It was said that the doctor had to get out from hospital (passive)
6) Passive Sentence with Nouns or Adjectives as Complements
Flora consider her very fat (active)
Flora is considered very fat (passive)
7) Passive Sentence with two objects
Rudi gave me a cat (active)
A cat was given to me by Rudi (passive 1)
I was given a cat by Rudi (passive 2)
8) Passive Sentence with Gerund Verbs
Pupon enjoyed teaching the cat (active)
The cat enjoyed being taught by Pupon (passive)
9) Agent consisting long expression at the end of sentence
Dalam kalimat pasif, jika pelaku terdiri dari ekspresi yang panjang maka sebaiknya subjek tersebut ditempatkan di akhir kalimat setelah by.
We were all surprised by her successed
10) Passive Sentence with unique verbs
Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: require, deserve, need
This shirt needs to be washed = This shirt needs washing
1.Real Conditional (Conditional Tipe I) : menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang sesuai dengan fakta.
2.Unreal Conditional (Conditional Tipe II) : menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang tidak nyata atau berimajinasi.
3. Conditional Tipe III: digunakan pada penyesalan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
4. Zero Conditional : digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang sudah pasti benar.
*Jika klausa "if" diletakkan di awal kalimat, kita harus menggunakan koma. Sebaliknya jika klausa "if" berada di belakang, maka tidak perlu ada koma
Zero Conditional. Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum. Tense yang digunakan Simple Present Tense
Rumus: (Klausa IF)+(Induk Kalimat) Atau (Induk Kalimat)+(Klausa IF)
Contoh: If you don't do your test, I will be angry. = I will be angry, if you don't do your test.
*Pada tipe ini, ‘if’ sering digantikan dengan "when"
Conditional I.Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang dan pengandaian ini bisa saja terjadi. Klausa ‘if’ biasanya dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense.
Rumus: (Klausa IF)+(Induk Kalimat) Atau (Induk Kalimat)+(Klausa IF)
Kita sering menggunakan unless yang artinya 'jika... tidak’
Kita tidak pernah menggunakan will, atau won't dalam Klausa IF.
If I have time today, I will hug my friend. = I will hug my friend, if I have time today.
Conditional II.Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang. Tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah harapan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam klausa IF adalah Simple Past Tense.
Rumus: (Klausa IF)+(Induk Kalimat) Atau (Induk Kalimat)+(Klausa IF)
*Jangan gunakan would atau wouldn't dalam Klausa IF.
Contoh: If I had more time, I would do more to my parents. = I would do more to my parents, if I had more time.
Conditional III.Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kondisi di masa yang lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Sering digunakan untuk mengkritik atau penyesalan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam Klausa IF adalah Past Perfect Tense.
Rumus: (Klausa IF)+(Induk Kalimat) Atau (Induk Kalimat)+(Klausa IF)
*Jangan gunakan would have atau wouldn't have dalam Klausa IF.
Contoh: If it had been rain, we could have stayed. = We could have stayed, if it had been rain.
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Extracurricular Activities
School Activities
It's easy to find out about activities available at school. The challenge may be figuring out how much to do. Here are some quick tips:
* When you find something you like to do, stick with it.
* Don't worry about being president of the club, or captain of the team. The key is whether you've done something significant — center stage or behind the scenes.
* Give your all to each activity, and, most importantly, to your schoolwork.
Work Experience
Work experience — paid or volunteer, year-round or summer — can help you identify career interests and goals, gain skills, and apply classroom learning to the real world. It's also a great way to earn money for college. Consider arranging for an internship or to shadow some people at their workplaces.
Community Service
You can also gain skills and experience through volunteer work, such as by tutoring elementary school kids or spending time at a local hospital. Some schools even offer academic credit for volunteer work.
It's easy to find out about activities available at school. The challenge may be figuring out how much to do. Here are some quick tips:
* When you find something you like to do, stick with it.
* Don't worry about being president of the club, or captain of the team. The key is whether you've done something significant — center stage or behind the scenes.
* Give your all to each activity, and, most importantly, to your schoolwork.
Work Experience
Work experience — paid or volunteer, year-round or summer — can help you identify career interests and goals, gain skills, and apply classroom learning to the real world. It's also a great way to earn money for college. Consider arranging for an internship or to shadow some people at their workplaces.
Community Service
You can also gain skills and experience through volunteer work, such as by tutoring elementary school kids or spending time at a local hospital. Some schools even offer academic credit for volunteer work.
On the surface, honesty is a fairly simple thing: the accurate representation of the way the world is, at least from your perspective. This is easy enough to comprehend when you’re stating a fact: “the sky is blue” is either true or false; honesty means saying the true thing. It’s slightly less clear when talking about opinions: “the babaganoush is tasty” is not true or false in any absolute sense – it is only true in relation to the taste of the person reporting on it. In this case, honesty means declaring your actual opinion – even though to another person, it might be wrong.
But beyond the dictionary sense of what the word itself means, there’s the way that being honest acts in the world. Honesty isn’t just a word, it’s a characteristic of an act, behavior, or personality. It’s the difference, for example, between an “honest living” and a dishonest one – the criminal might not tell a single lie in the course of his or her day, but we wouldn’t necessarily call him or her “honest”.
As a way of being and doing in the world, honesty is about trust – it’s about convincing others that we are to be trusted, and it’s about trusting others to be able to deal with the truth as we report it. Consider some of the situations that might lead us to be dishonest:
But beyond the dictionary sense of what the word itself means, there’s the way that being honest acts in the world. Honesty isn’t just a word, it’s a characteristic of an act, behavior, or personality. It’s the difference, for example, between an “honest living” and a dishonest one – the criminal might not tell a single lie in the course of his or her day, but we wouldn’t necessarily call him or her “honest”.
As a way of being and doing in the world, honesty is about trust – it’s about convincing others that we are to be trusted, and it’s about trusting others to be able to deal with the truth as we report it. Consider some of the situations that might lead us to be dishonest:
* We are afraid we’ll be punished for something.
* We are afraid we’ll hurt someone’s feelings.
* We don’t want someone to think badly of us.
* We are protecting someone.
* We are protecting ourselves.
* We are protecting other people’s image of ourselves.
* We are protecting our own image of ourselves.
* We dislike someone.
Democracy Vs Freedom
Whatever its virtues, democracy is not freedom. As the 19th Century French philosopher Alexis d'Toqueville warned in his classic Democracy In America, a democracy can be just as tyrannical as a dictatorship once the voters decide to vote themselves money from the treasury.
Democracy is a method of deciding who shall rule. It does not determine the morality of the resulting government. At best, democracy means that government has popular support. But popular support is no guarantee that government will protect your freedom.
In a democracy, if most voters support freedom of speech, press, religion, association and enterprise, their elected government will probably respect such freedoms.
But if voters prefer that governments impose a welfare state and confiscatory taxes, ban unapproved drugs, impose censorship, imprison critics, seize the property of unpopular groups, torture prisoners, and draft the young, a democratic government will likely grant those wishes also.
alcohol is the most frequently used drugs by teenagers in the United States. About half of junior high and senior high school students drink alcohol on a monthly basis, and 14% of teens have been intoxicated at least once in the past year. Nearly 8% of teens who drink say they drink at least five or more alcoholic drinks in a row (binge drink).
dangerous effects of alcohol use in teens....
Just a few of the many dangerous effects of alcohol use in teens include the following:
- Alcohol decreases teens' ability to pay attention.
- Teens who have experienced alcohol withdrawal tend to have difficulties with memory.
- In contrast to adults, teens tend to abuse alcohol with other substances, usually marijuana.
- Male teens who drink heavily tend to complete fewer years of education compared to male teens who do not.
- The younger a person is when they begin drinking, the more likely they are to develop a problem with alcohol.
- Each year, almost 2,000 people under the age of 21 years die in car crashes in which underage drinking is involved. Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving teens.
- More than three times the number of eighth-grade girls who drink heavily said they have attempted suicide compared to girls in that grade who do not drink.
- Intoxication is associated with suicide attempts using more lethal methods, and positive blood alcohol levels are often found in people who complete suicide.
- Teens who drink are more likely to engage in sexual activity, have unprotected sex, have sex with a stranger, or be the victim or perpetrator of a sexual assault.
- Excess alcohol use can cause or mask other emotional problems, like depresion.
- Drinking in excess can lead to the use of other drugs, like cocaine, or heroin.
The Effect of Free Sex to Teenager

Let’s look our life in the future time, if free sex don’t be stop right now. I believe that our future life will never be right. So, we have no change, we must work hard to solve this problem.
There are many ways to solve this problem. One of them is make a religious activity for young people. By religious knowledge young people will increase their believing. And by strong relieving young people will not have a negative thinking and free sex will never be done.
The second way to solve this problem is give young people an explanation about the bad effect of free sex. It must be given at school. So by the knowledge about sex, they can make commitments to care their future life from the effect of free sex.
And another way is increase parent’s attention to their kids to be harder. Parents must keep a special time for their children, it’s important, because without parent attention, some time the children will do every thing they won’t not every thing right.
If we want our future life well, we must stop free sex in our life right now. Where ever and when ever, let’s say no to free sex
Senin, 21 Maret 2011
A lot of people go through life with only a few friends. It seems that some have less than that. They have no one on whom they can call in good times or bad. There is no one with whom to bounce ideas around, or to talk about deep and troubling subjects. They have no one to call in times of need or difficulty. They are at the mercy of life, standing alone.
Others seem to have a multitude of friends. Wherever they go, people know them, and like to be around them. Should trouble strike, their biggest hesitation might be over which friend to call. They know exactly the person with whom to discuss the topics of inquiry and debate. Life is full of entertaining and invigorating relationships because it is full of friends.
There ought to be a course in school on friendship. Of course, some people are perfectly happy to operate with fewer friends. They might rather have a few deep and loyal friends, than many superficial ones. Others thrive best when friends are everywhere and numerous. It is not so much the number of friends that is important as is the possession of friends, period.
Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends can cheer us when we’re sorrowful or depressed. Friends can challenge us when we allow ourselves to get beyond our reasonable boundaries. Friends can motivate us when we’re ready to give in, and they can provide for us when life falls apart. They are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life’s pleasant and memorable moments. We often just want them around to have a good time, to laugh, to act silly, to enjoy some mutually liked activity. In how many ways have friends enriched our lives and made us feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for? Probably, too many to list, and the list grows daily.
It is safe to say that when God created the world and all the majestic things in it, when he streaked the heavens with radiant color and the earth with grand mountains and awe-inspiring canyons, when he painted the plains with waving grasses and erected noble forests of towering trees, he outdid it all by creating friends. Why not take a moment or two and thank someone today for being a friend to you?
May God bless you with all the friends you need, and may he turn you into a blessing by using you as a friend to others.
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